Gavarotto C. 2004. El Proceso de Operacionalización de Variables en una Teoría Social, Análisis del suicidio en Durkheim. Cinta moebio 19: 1-8


The Operationalization Process of Variables in a Social Theory

Carlos A.Gavarotto de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


As much in the processes of education of sciences like in the methodological and epistemological analyses, usually are not examples of social theories that they allow to show how they are resisted with the experience. This work tries to show not only the methodological skeleton used by E. Durkheim in its analysis of the suicide, but also to observe how simultaneously a new area of scientific investigation of the social is constituted, in crossing with the application of statistical tools for the analysis of the social phenomena.

Key words: sociology, statistic, methodology, epistemology, suicide.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X