Ortiz, E. 2012. Los Niveles Teóricos y Metodológicos en la Investigación Educativa. Cinta moebio 43: 14-23


Theoretical and Methodological Levels in Educational Research

Dr. Emilio Ortiz (eortiz@ict.uho.edu.cu) Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencias de la Educación Superior, Universidad de Holguín (Holguín, Cuba)


Within the current theoretical and methodological conceptions that approach the educational processes and phenomena there are several levels that, with a systemic character, offer coherence and unity from their more general argumentation to the description of how they should be studied. However, this reality, that is implicit in the different theories, is unnoticed by the researchers and thus it brings about theoretical and methodological in-consequences in the investigation which damage the strictness of the research process. The aim of this article is to analyse each level in the theoretical foundation of investigations about the educational process. A deep analysis of the various ways in which the state of the art has been approached by different authors from the theoretical and methodological points of view is made and the importance of each of one is analysed with new elements that can be enrich according to criterion of the author of this article.

Key words: theoretical-methodological levels, educational research, multilevel research, research methods, techniques.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X