Galati, E. 2012. Visión compleja de los paradigmas científicos y la interpersonalidad en la ciencia. Cinta moebio 44: 122-135


Complex Perspective of Scientifics Paradigms and Interpersonality in Science

Dr. Elvio Galati ( Centro de Investigaciones de Filosofía Jurídica y Filosofía Social, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Rosario, Argentina)


The epistemological ideal would aim to respect the different scientific traditions from which the scientist can be fed, which may not follow the hegemonic lines. Interpersonality in science would mean a scientific multiculturality that respects the different paradigms developed in epistemology. We will see which epistemological conception has a closer relation with the dimensions that trialism proposes, according to which law is composed with sociologic, normologic and dikelogic elements. In the end, it will be possible to have a clearer idea of the complexity in a more diverse sense, which develops trialism not only as the vision of the lawyer’s profession, but also as a research perspective. The complex thought, as an epistemological attitude which is open to the different methodological tools provided by the different epistemological perspectives in the philosophy of science, allows a better coexistence of contradictory positions within a single epistemological posture. Thus, a scientist can profit from the different tools in each of them. Having proved the close relation between the trialistic theory and the complex thought, a scientist of law will be able to develop deeper research lines, having more respect for his tendencies in the trialism.

Key words: epistemology, law, paradigms, complex thought, science law, trialistic theory of the juridical world.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X