Vidal, J. 2012. Teoría de la Decisión: proceso de interacciones u organizaciones como sistemas de decisiones. Cinta moebio 44: 136-152


Decision theory: Interaction process or organizations as decision systems

Dr. Josep Vidal ( Núcleo Altos Estudios Amazónicos, Universidade Federal do Pará (Belém, Brasil)


We present a theoretical discussion of the sociological contribution concerning decisions in organizations. Two theories stand. The first, based on the decision process from a critical theory of the traditional linear multi rational by Lucien Sfez, argues that the decision is a process of interactions and treats it as an institutional process based on the freedom of the subject. The second theory based on self-referential systems by Niklas Luhmann, interprets organizations as systems-making, and understands the concept of decision as purely epistemological specificity, abstracted from the decision of all the elements and organizational variables associated with it.

Keywords: decision, organizations, self-referential, systems, multi rationality

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X