Vidal, J. 2013. La búsqueda de la realidad o de la verdad: una aproximación a partir de la teoría sociológica. Cinta moebio 47: 95-114


The search for truth or reality: an approach from sociological theory

Dr. Josep Vidal ( Núcleo Altos Estudios Amazónicos, Universidade Federal do Pará (Belém, Brasil)


The aim of this article is to think the relationship between the search for reality or the truth with methodology, by asking some questions to different theoretical perspectives and by analyzing different answers given by the authors and theories. From the sociological theoretical perspective, it deals with two levels of thought with methodological implications. The first refers to the methodological implications arising from the search for reality or truth. The second, epistemological, refers to the theoretical and paradigmatic duality between subjective capacity decisions against the constriction of the subjects by the structures.

Keywords: methodology, social science, reality, truth, social theory.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X