Fair, H. 2014. Postulados epistemológicos para el desarrollo de un método de análisis socio-político del discurso desde la perspectiva de Laclau. Cinta moebio 51: 137-155


Epistemological assumptions to the development of a method of socio-political discourse analysis from the perspective of Laclau

Dr. Hernán Fair (hernanfair@conicet.gov.ar) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


The paper examines the epistemological side of the Laclau’s political theory, incorporating tools that aim to convert discourse theory into a rigorous, useful, and valid method for socio-political and critical analysis in social sciences. In the first part, it displays some epistemological assumptions and arguments. The second part analyses some problematic epistemological aspects derived from the arguments. The proposal is based on Laclau’s main texts, complementing the analysis with related tools from critical hermeneutics and existential phenomenology. It is argued that the incorporation of these tools to political discourse analysis contribute to solve some of the methodological and epistemic deficits of the theory of hegemony.

Keywords: socio-political discourse analysis, Ernesto Laclau, epistemology, methodology, political and social theory.

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Cinta de Moebio
Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales
ISSN 0717-554X