Devenin, V y Henríquez, G. 2011. Narrativas tecnológicas: Un ejemplo de aplicación de la sociología de las asociaciones Cinta moebio 41: 167-181 Technological narratives: an applied example of the sociology of associations Mg. Verónica Devenin ( Departamento de Sociología y Antropología, Universidad de Concepción (Concepción, Chile). Abstract Are social explanations, as we know them, adequate to account for the complexity of contemporary society and the ongoing emergence of new actors and new phenomena? To the Actor-Network Theory, there are no doubts: social factors are not sufficient to explain the dynamics of society. It is necessary to use heterogeneous factors, taking into account non-human elements and technology. That is, to explain the social, it's necessary to consider social relations, “non-human actants” and the technical procedure in which they are involved.This article will present the conceptual foundations of this new sociological approach, an applied example in the context of research conducted on innovation, and, finally, some lessons and conclusions regarding their applications, potentials and limitations. Key words: actor-network theory, sociology of associations, methodology, technological narratives, innovation. |
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Cinta de Moebio Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales ISSN 0717-554X |